API Full Form? What is API?
What is the full form of API?
API full form is Application Programming Interface. API is an interface or communication protocol that allows two applications to talk to each other. API is an interface or communication protocol between different parts of a computer program intended to simplify the implementation and maintenance of software. API is a set of routines, protocols and tools for building software and applications.
API stands for Application Programming Interface. API allows two applications to talk to each other. A programmer writing an application program can make a request to other System using API (using graphical user interface or command interface). It is a set of routines, protocols and tools for building software and applications.
An API may be for a web-based system, operating system, database system, computer hardware, or software library.
APIs let your product or service communicate with other products and services without having to know how they’re implemented. This can simplify app development, saving time and money. When you’re designing new tools and products—or managing existing ones—APIs give you flexibility; simplify design, administration, and use; and provide opportunities for innovation.
APIs by use cases
APIs can be classified according to the systems for which they are designed.
Database APIs. Database APIs enable communication between an application and a database management system. Developers work with databases by writing queries to access data, change tables, etc. The Drupal 7 Database API, for example, allows users to write unified queries for different databases, both proprietary and open source (Oracle, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, CouchDB, and MSSQL).
Another example is ORDS database API, which is embedded into Oracle REST Data Services.
Operating systems APIs. This group of APIs defines how applications use the resources and services of operating systems. Every OS has its set of APIs, for instance, Windows API or Linux API (kernel–user space API and kernel internal API).
Apple provides API reference for macOS and iOS in its developer documentation. APIs for building applications for Apple’s macOS desktop operating system are included in the Cocoa set of developer tools. Those building apps for the iOS mobile operating system use Cocoa Touch – a modified version of Cocoa.
Remote APIs. Remote APIs define standards of interaction for applications running on different machines. In other words, one software product accesses resources located outside the device that requests them, which explains the name. Since two remotely located applications are connected over a communications network, particularly the internet, most remote APIs are written based on web standards. Java Database Connectivity API and Java Remote Method Invocation API are two examples of remote application programming interfaces.
Web APIs. This API class is the most common. Web APIs provide machine-readable data and functionality transfer between web-based systems which represent client-server architecture. These APIs mainly deliver requests from web applications and responses from servers using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
Developers can use web APIs to extend the functionality of their apps or sites. For instance, the Pinterest API comes with tools for adding users’ Pinterest data like boards or Pins to a website. Google Maps API enables the addition of a map with an organization’s location.
In today’s modern era, Web API is most popular API. Web API is used in our day to day use of mobile phone, laptop and other smart devices.
A Web API is an application programming interface for either a web server or a web browser. It is a web development concept, usually limited to a web application’s client-side (including any web frameworks being used)
API Release policies
APIs are one of the more common ways technology companies integrate with each other. Those that provide and use APIs are considered as being members of a business ecosystem.
The main policies for releasing an API are:
- Private: The API is for internal company use only.
- Partner: Only specific business partners can use the API. For example, transportation network companies such as Uber and Lyft allow approved third-party developers to directly order rides from within their apps. This allows the companies to exercise quality control by curating which apps have access to the API, and provides them with an additional revenue stream.[31]
- Public: The API is available for use by the public. For example, Microsoft makes the Microsoft Windows API public, and Apple releases its APIs Carbon and Cocoa, so that software can be written for their platforms.
Example of an API
Most common example of using API is using google map. When we are using google map, we perform different type of requests like finding route between two points. Apps like Uber also use google API in background in their app.
REST API(Representational state transfer)
Representational state transfer (REST) is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used for creating Web services. Web services that conform to the REST architectural style, called RESTful Web services, provide interoperability between computer systems on the Internet. RESTful Web services allow the requesting systems to access and manipulate textual representations of Web resources by using a uniform and predefined set of stateless operations. Other kinds of Web services, such as SOAP Web services, expose their own arbitrary sets of operations.
REST API provides a powerful, convenient, and simple REST-based web services interface for interacting with Salesforce. Its advantages include ease of integration and development, and it’s an excellent choice of technology for use with mobile applications and web projects. For certain projects, you may want to use REST API with other Salesforce REST APIs. To build UI for creating, reading, updating, and deleting records, including building UI for list views, actions, and dependent picklists, use User Interface API. To build UI for Chatter, communities, or recommendations, use Chatter REST API. If you have many records to process, consider using Bulk API, which is based on REST principles and optimized for large sets of data.
What are methods in REST
- GET : Retrieve data identified by a URL.
- POST : Create a resource or post data to the server.
- DELETE : Delete a resource identified by a URL.
- PUT : Create or replace the resource sent in the request body.
- PATCH : Update all the representations of the member resources of the collection resource using the instructions in the request body, or may create the collection resource if it does not exist.
SOAP API(Simple Object Access Protocol)
SOAP (abbreviation for Simple Object Access Protocol) is a messaging protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services in computer networks. Its purpose is to provide extensibility, neutrality, verbosity and independence. It uses XML Information Set for its message format, and relies on application layer protocols, most often Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), although some legacy systems communicate over Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), for message negotiation and transmission.
SOAP allows developers to invoke processes running on disparate operating systems (such as Windows, macOS, and Linux) to authenticate, authorize, and communicate using Extensible Markup Language (XML). Since Web protocols like HTTP are installed and running on all operating systems, SOAP allows clients to invoke web services and receive responses independent of language and platforms.
What is difference between SOAP and REST?
SOAP API: The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is an attempt to define a standard for creating web service APIs. It is a pattern, a web service architecture, which specifies the basic rules to be considered while designing web service platforms. It typically uses HTTP as a layer 7 protocol, although this is not mandatory.
The SOAP message itself consists of an envelope, inside of which are the SOAP headers and body, the actual information we want to send. It is based on the standard XML format, designed especially to transport and store structured data. SOAP may also refer to the format of the XML that the envelope uses. SOAP is a mature standard and is heavily used in many systems, but it does not use many of the functionality build in HTTP. While some consider it slow, it provides a heavy set of functionality which is a necessity in many cases. It might now be the best solution for browser-based clients, due to its custom format.
- Supports data in the form of XML only and not JSON.
- Requires WSDL for the integration
- Use SOAP API in any language that supports Web services.
REST API: The Representational State Transfer (REST) is another architectural pattern (resource-oriented), an alternative to SOAP. Unlike SOAP, RESTful applications use the HTTP build-in headers (with a variety of media-types) to carry meta information and use the GET, POST, PUT and DELETE verbs to perform CRUD operations. REST is resource-oriented and uses clean URLs (or RESTful URLs).
- Supports both XML and JSON format
- Preferred for mobile and web apps since JSON being Lighter the app runs smoother and faster
For more detail about API, refer to wikipedia page.
For more details about integration and API in salesforce please refer Salesforce Integration Interview questions and answers
Excellent article! Lot of details carefully crafted in simple easy to understand language!
Valuable Content, Nice Article FullForms Detailed